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Holding Space for your Great Things
You can’t escape Wicked references, even here.
Welcome To The Community
Together, we’ll dive deep and find the strength to never give up because Great Things Take Time.
Holiday parties and the end of the year are the perfect time to start reflecting on how things went in 2024. While I’m a firm believer that you can start anything at any time (more on this another week), the world naturally starts slowing down and new things aren’t being addressed.
I see you all you “will circle back to this in the New Year” people. I see you.
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Frankie! You can talk about things other than coconut shrimp at parties!
Here's what's in today's email
Small Talk For Holiday Parties
What happens if we skip the surface-level topics at parties and get-togethers over the next few weeks and go right for the more intense stuff? You’ve spent the majority of your days this last year talking to your coworkers about work, your run friends about running, your car friends about cars. Do you really need to talk about it more in a party setting over a punch bowl? Holiday parties are usually a celebration of the past year, so maybe it’s time to talk about something other than what is comfortable!
“But Adrian, all I know is small talk! I don’t feel safe talking about anything else, I don’t want to create tension or conflict.”
Sure, we can all play it safe over the next few weeks and talk about the game, or the weather, or movies you’ve seen. They say you should never discuss religion, sex, or politics at a dinner party. I don’t know about you, but if you avoid those three things, there is still A LOT to talk about.

This year’s holiday party, do you think we played it safe with the topics?
What if we start taking these surface-level topics and going deeper? (And if you laughed at that one, you’re probably not alone so you won’t be the only person willing to open up the conversation.)
Let’s say you’re in a conversation about Wicked, the movie. You’ve discussed casting, music, direction, and the storyline, but have you mentioned how it relates to each of you?
Often when we discuss things, we miss talking about the components that we connect to. We cover the surface-level topic, “I loved Defying Gravity, it made me tear up,” when we could go further: “I loved Defying Gravity, it made me tear up because I was thinking about how I want to take the next step in my career but so many people think I can’t do it. It reminded me how powerful I can be and made me think about what might happen if I stopped caring about what other people thought and just went for it.”
There’s a reason we blast songs when we’re home alone and sing them at the top of our lungs.
Why do you feel the need to blast this song when you’re home alone and sing it at the top of your lungs? What is it saying to you? Is it coming from something you’re proud of? Or is it a reminder of something that’s been holding you back?
Don’t Be Afraid To Share
As shared on the Great Things Take Time Instagram on Saturday, don’t be afraid to share your goals or reflect on your failures. Many times, someone else can relate to exactly what you’re saying.
A challenge I faced this year was the realization that I was becoming a harder individual. Inwardly, I’d started to lose the soft, warm, and loving parts of me. Silly things that I used to think were funny or cute, just passed right through me without a twinge of emotion.
But a win I experienced this year, was that I took that realization and admitted to myself that I didn’t like who I was turning into. Instead of blaming circumstances, I took action and put priorities into place, and said goodbye to living in NYC, something that I thought I’d never do. I recognized the constant construction and energy drain that came from living in a bustling city were turning me into a jaded person I didn’t like. Aside from starting Great Things Take Time, this may be one of my biggest wins from 2024.
I may not have come to realize this if I hadn’t been asked questions by someone looking for deeper answers. Now it’s your turn. We’re taking deep, meaningful conversations at social gatherings and really holding space with that.
When You Want To Talk to Someone About ANYTHING but Work
What is the cheapest item in your wardrobe that you can’t live without?
What’s the best meal you’ve had this year?
What’s the craziest thing your kids/pets have done in the last year?
When You’re Ready To Take The Plunge:
Something that you’re proud of this year?
What’s inspiring you this year?
Things you are excited about in the next year?
When you started tearing up during Cynthia Erivo’s Defying Gravity, what in your life were you thinking about?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened this past year?
How are you REALLY?
Moments with Maurice
This past week, things looked a little different.

Wednesday’s content was all about my Nana being the glue that held our family together. The responses have been very similar,
Reflection: Who is the person in your family or community who holds everything together? Is it you or someone else? Do they get the space they need? Does anyone ask them if they’re okay?
Prompt: What can you do today to give the person in your life who holds things together (it could be you) the support and space they need?
I think everyone feels like their mom is a superhero. She made sure every holiday was magic, she knew how to feed your soul without you even knowing you need it. Undergoing intense treatment, a full time job, putting me through high school & college. She never once faltered, never cried, never let me know how hard everything all crashed on her. I show her love and support in the forms of home cooked dinner, cleaning her house, random deliveries of flowers, blankets, anything to make her smile. She is the glue that holds my family, life and mental wellbeing together. And she does it without a complaint or any signs of hardship. Everyone thinks their mom is a superhero, but my mom is human sunshine on cloudy days. I show her how valued she is by being there. For everything. Every doctors appointment, every family dinner as her sou chef, every grocery shopping trip, every everything.
Wow, this resonated. To paraphrase, Taylor Swift---it's me, Hi, I'm the glue it's me! I am the go to person for everything and it is getting increasingly more difficult to keep it together. I am so blessed to have a husband who notices that i am getting to the edge of what I can handle and gives me the opportunity to step back a little. This is really what is needed---someone in your circle that knows your boiling point and help you decompress so that you can recharge and give again. What I need to do for myself is realize I can't be everything for everybody...and that is okay. (A definite work in progress!)
![]() | What’s Got Me Smilin’ |
Because no matter what, there is always something to smile about.
Toronto: Oh, so this is what cold feels like

Let me tell you, I am in my cozy, winter-time feels right now after a chilly visit to Toronto. It was great getting to see so many of you in person and put faces to leaderboard names. Hearing your stories never gets old! It was also an extra bonus getting to see Ty, a Collective member in person.
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Weekly Frankie Smiles

If you don’t squeeze your glutes, no puppy will nestle themselves in them.

Christmas Cards
It always makes me smile thinking about what a big deal a kid’s art creation or card is to them. They spent so much time crafting this in their own little world, and to them, there is no difference between their artwork and the Mona Lisa.
A Reminder of Great Things

2024 was all about getting GTTT off the ground, taking that first step, making lots of mistakes, and learning where to refine it. 2025 will continue the growth, but for now, I’ve created a reminder of what I’ve put into things and the long process anything worthwhile takes. Stay tuned for all the fun things we have in store for 2025
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If there was one candy I could eat every day for the rest of my life, (a question we joked about in The Collective over the holidays) it would be an Almond Snickers. Now that Eddie finds it impossible for me to love, you bet I’m going to double down and eat this often with a big, taunting smile on my face.
![]() | See You Next Time |
Thanks for being with me on this journey. Over the last few months I’ve shared a lot of my life, and in turn learned so much about you all. It’s an honor to start your week and inspires me every day to hear about your wins. I know Great Things Take Time is far from perfect, but together I hope we can grow it into exactly what it’s meant to be.
