The Weight We Carry

From weighted vests to responsibilities

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Together, we’ll dive deep and find the strength to never give up because Great Things Take Time.

This week, I shared my weighted vest workout with The Collective, and as normal, it became a bigger conversation. Like normal, you know I can’t just have a simple takeaway. Perhaps your English Teacher would love me?

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 🌸 February Challenge🌸 

We’re 10 days into the challenge, and based on yesterday’s game, some of you might not be feeling a lot of love.

Don’t worry, not everything will feel like sunshine and rainbows. For those who have been, thank you for sharing your stories! It’s so special to hear each person’s takeaways and experiences.

Read the full details of each day of the challenge here and head to the @greatthingswith_adrian  Instagram account for daily reminders.

The Weight We Carry

If you’ve dipped your toe into the workout world, you may have encountered the weighted vest.

A weighted vest is just that, a vest (no sleeves to ruin the party) that you wear during your workouts to add extra weight. People wear them during workouts, on walks, or even adding extra poundage on a run. It’s a way to increase the load on your body so when you remove it, everything feels easier. On walks, some see more exertion or help with increasing bone density. 

I’m sure you’ve seen one before. Think of it as a bulky crop top that often looks pretty military. 

What people don’t often tell you about a weighted vest is the added stress on every joint in your body. Adding 5,10, or 20 pounds makes a huge difference in how your body reacts and moves. Your body has to compensate for the extra weight and may not move in the correct and most efficient way.

If someone is dealing with ANY imbalances throughout the body, the weighted vest will exacerbate them. If you favor one side, a new pain could crop up somewhere else. One muscle group might not be prepared to all of a sudden have extra weight added on, especially if you are doing high-impact exercise like running. When recovering from surgeries or injuries, it’s important to proceed with caution when using a weighted vest. If your form is off slightly, a weighted vest can make something that might be inconsequential, a huge deal.

A weighted vest can be a great tool to level up your workout if you are mindful of how it feels and how your body reacts. But if you’re focusing on longevity, you do not want to introduce unnecessary training. What is the goal of adding more weight? Have you maxed out adding time and intensity to your workouts? These are two levers that can give you a tougher workout without risking new injuries.  

At the end of the day, most of us are looking to be our happiest and healthiest selves and should aim for longevity over everything else.

Extra Weight & Longevity

The topic of longevity brings up a less literal sense of the weighted vest. Consider your day-to-day responsibilities as the weight you carry. You have the responsibility of taking care of yourself and doing the things you need to do to survive and be a functioning member of society. There is a job you work, bills that need to be paid, contributions to society, and various appointments to book and go to. On top of that, you may have other individuals that fall under your responsibilities: partners, children, parents, friends, and yes, pets could fall under this category. Whether taking care of them or providing the necessary attention needed to maintain a relationship, the people in your life are still a responsibility you have.

There is a lot on our plates, a lot of weight in our vests.

Now, consider what it feels like when all of the weight and pressure is on your shoulders. When there is no one there to help lighten the load. 

If you’re in charge of most of the important decisions or feel like you hold an immense sense of responsibility, things are going to start to get heavy. This is when we start to see the product of the extra weight and the imbalances it creates; feeling cranky, sad, or tired, but it can grow into much more. Things get harder to do, and it feels like there is an immense weight on your shoulders, maybe preventing you from completing things.

When you have the weight of a million things on you, stuff starts to slip, and you don’t produce the best quality. You’re not present with the people you love. You fall asleep in places you shouldn’t. Your workouts aren’t as productive. You forget things… any of this ringing the bell for you?

You might not always know when you’re out of whack or when you’ve taken on too much. A key indicator is whether you are enjoying life, or doing things just to get through. There is no balance to your life, and you start turning to habits that give you immediate satisfaction but long-term health problems. Think about how some of us get through the holidays: there are a million commitments, a million expectations, and a million unhealthy habits that are so easy to do nonstop.

This is where “NO” and “HELP” come into play. It’s the only way that you can avoid that extra weight. 

You need to consider if new opportunities or responsibilities are right for you. It sucks to hear it, but you need to be honest with yourself if you can allocate your energy to something new and how that could impact the rest of your life. 

A new job might mean less time with the people you care about.

A new pet means attention allocated towards training and appointments.

A new training schedule might mean less energy for other things in your life.

This isn’t to say give up on your goals, but look at opportunities through the filter of your goals. There are opportunities we are offered that are in direct conflict with what we want out of life. What is a difficult choice, added responsibility, or sacrifice you are making to get you closer to those goals, and what is just unnecessary weight that is keeping you from being efficient?

You can’t be afraid to say no. You also can’t be afraid to ask for help. 

There are people out there who are in your corner. If you ask for help, you might be surprised at how many people are willing to help. Small actions can make all the difference in the load we carry.  

For me, it’s hard to ask for help. Maybe it’s my thick-headed skull, or because I worry about being in direct conflict with my goal of holding space for people, but asking for help can be hard for me. Then I got older and realized no one cares or remembers that you did it all. Better yet, why do I care if people think I can’t do it all? I can’t. It’s simply not possible to show up as the person I want to be and get everything done. No one is going to remember your post about all the things you did, but they will remember how you showed up for them and if you were distracted, absent, or stressed.

So whether it’s a weighted vest or a new responsibility, I want you to ask how this weight is going to impact your life. What imbalances do you have that might get worse? What have you added that has shifted your balance? Should you pass it on or say no?

We are all playing the long game. Your health is holistic. It’s not just physical; it’s emotional, social, mental, spiritual, environmental, and financial. Is it worth adding extra weight? Only you can answer that.

Moments with Maurice

If you only pause to reflect on your life for one moment today, do it now.

What inside thoughts make their way outside? As children, we’re taught that not everything needs to be said. As adults, we can forget that.

The first thing that comes to mind isn’t always the most honest thing and can be rooted in unchecked emotions. Why do we say things? Are we trying to make others feel our misery?

Reflection: Have you ever been in a situation where can’t see how lucky you have it because you’ve been blinded by your emotions? While validating your emotions, are there situations where you need to step back and put things into perspective? Are there times when you’re lashing out at others because of inner work you need to do?

Prompt: When you find yourself wanting to yell, get upset or bring someone down by making a nasty comment, what is going on internally for you?

What’s Got Me Smilin’

Because no matter what, there is always something to smile about.

Straws Help Great Things Take Less Time To Get To My Belly

Just one of those days, I’m sure you’ve all been there. We do what we can.

Eating My Words

Yes, I have been on record saying that I am a simple person when it comes to clothing. I’m the guy who wears the same black ripped shirt that my Nana would burn if she ever got her hands on it. After seeing Altuzarra up close, I can’t help but laugh at how I’ve maybe swung a little too far to one side. Here, I got to look at the clothing from a different angle and appreciate the art behind it.

Give Me The High Beams

In competition with my car to see who has the more intense high beams. Don’t make me laugh, you’ll need some sunglasses.

Still Eating Burgers

See You Next Time




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